Sunday, July 6, 2008

Workin' for a livin'....

I do work here....really and I dont say much about it on the blog (you know, disclosure laws and all).

Our staff count in BA has grown very quickly, filling the office space we have. Most staff have cubicles (or 'boxes' as they are called here). I dont mind the open office concept - it makes it easier for me to step outside MY office to look across the office to find someone!
I didnt bring many momentos with me to put in my office. I figured I would collect them along the way while I am here. I do have a couple of things from home though.....a 2008 Alberta Alpine calendar and this year's Calgary Stampede poster (thanks Roc!). This is the view out of my office window looking towards the San Martin Memorial. This photo was of the shooting of a car commercial back in May. What made me think of it was that I saw the full commercial on TV just last week. It was for a Ford Fiesta.


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