Sunday, July 20, 2008

Restaurant de Puertas Cerradas

Last night, I was introduced to a new dining experience here in BA. It is the concept of 'dining behind closed doors'.

It is eating a meal in a private residence, in this case, Casa Saltshaker ( . We ate in the dining room of the chef's apartment. There were 9 of us at the table - I came with a couple we know. The rest were a mix of travellers and a couple of people who live here in BA. All spoke English.

It was a 5 course meal with a wine tasting as part of it. The chef chooses a theme. In the case, it was to celebrate the 100th birthday of Lupe Velez, a Mexican-born Hollywood & Broadway actress (she didn't make it past 36, but it gave the chef a reason to prepare a meal from that part of Mexico where she was born - San Luis Potosi). She was married to Tarzan (Johnny Weissmuller) at one point.

Anyways - back to the evening: The food was quite good, each course was described...and enjoyed. There was a different wine with each of the 5 courses.
We enjoyed Cecina de Res, Sopa Verde de Elote, Heuvos en Rabo de Mestiza and Pollo en Ajo-Comino and a Tarta de Frutas con Cajeta (cajeta is a Mexican version of dulce de leche). What was all that? You will either have to go to San Luis Potosi, Mexico to try it or you come here and we can make reservations again at Casa Saltshaker!

The conversation was very mixed - basically starting with 'where are you from?' The answers ranged from Ann Arbor, Michigan, Brooklyn, NY, California, Australia, England & yes, Calgary and 'why are you here in BA? Answered with : a two week vacation in S. America, a graphic designer working here, one guy developing a culinary tour through Argentina but all were looking for a unique dining experience.

The conversation did stray into politics - which is always interesting when mixed with alcohol! Especially listening to expats/visitors explain Argentine politics....which are really inexplicable!

All in - 5 courses, 5 wines, tip, great conversation, an experience worth sharing on the blog and worth returning again for - $150 pesos. Worth every centavo!


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