Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dont just send them a ticket or an invoice......

....climb to the top of the building and slap stickers all over their billboards.

On the day we returned to Buenos Aires, we noticed big 'stickers' on many of the large billboards in the city. In the Buenos Aires Herald the next day, we read that these billboards are breaking the law.

If I understand it correctly, the family of the elected official known as the 'Minister of Public Information' (or equivalent) OWNS the company that is responsible for ALL billboard advertising in the city. This company has annual revenues of $100 MM pesos (~ 30 million bucks). That is a whole lot of billboards (big and small), banners, signs and sides of buses & buildings.

His department slaps stickers on your billboard and you then write his family a cheque to get the stickers removed. That is one smokin' hot deal.

I plan to run for office in the next election.


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