Monday, January 19, 2009

More things that make you laugh...

I was on my way to work today and saw a dog walker with about 8 dogs and I had to chuckle. It reminded of situation we had when the kids were here over Christmas.

We were all out for a walk and I mentioned to them that I didnt think many dogs get neutered down here. In fact, all the dogs 'have their balls'. Katie thought this was pretty funny and then after that, all anyone saw was dogs 'with their balls'.

Then later in the week, Katie says - 'Hey, that dog's been neutered!'. I said, 'No Katie, that's a female dog'.

I guess you had to be there....

I miss having the kids around to laugh at my jokes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh, glad I was there to share the joke! too funny