In late October, we joined a group of about 14 ex-pats and went to an estancia - Don Silvano's Estancia Turistica. Many said it was quite touristy (I dont know how you would come that conclusion). A friend, Alice organized the trip for all of us.
Things started off slowly and then just got more fun, more interesting and very entertaining by the time we left at the end of the day.
My brother and his wife were here for three weeks from Montreal. It is great to see them and to start taking the trips we have looked forward to while we are here.
An estancia is like a ranch. Ok, it is a ranch complete with horseback riding, an asado, the traditional Argentine BBQ
As part of the entertainment, there was traditional dancing from many regions of Argentina...this couple would change outfits and would perform dances from across Argentina...

At one point, I was called up because I took a photograph. The leader of the group performing did not appreciate it.
He was upset......because he wanted the entire group to pose for the photo I had taken!
It also included performing the tango which originated here in Buenos Aires...
After the meal, we watched a demonstration of horseback riding skills by the gauchos..
which included the gauchos holding a stick the size of a pencil....
race towards a ring suspended from a string and try to
capture the ring on the stick in a full gallop.
They then traded the ring for a kiss from a woman in the crowd.
These guys were good.
These guys were good.
Springtime in Argentina........
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