Sunday, August 3, 2008

Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Yesterday, I went to the local Temaiken Bioparque just outside of Buenos Aires. Katie & Devin's rehearsal dinner will be at the Calgary Zoo, so I was looking for inspiration at Temaiken.

They start off the tour with a bang. Bright orange Pelicano Caribeno are squawking near the entrance. They get their colour from eating shrimp.

and these would be Pelicano Africano......The big cats were out having a good day.OK...perhaps a lazy day....Buenos Aires is a city of 10 million people. Many of them probably have never been to a farm, So there were some domesticated animals in the zoo as well. They also had a garden, I guess some people may not know where carrots and lettuce come from.
These would be African Bongos with a Secretario hanging around.
These little guys are Suricatas from Africa. I think they were huddling together to stay warm. It was a little chilly.This is the globe at the zoo entrance that floats/spins on water. Someone pointed out that if you look closely, Argentina is 'under water'......maybe its a 'crystal' ball?

We all agreed that it was a well designed, world class zoo and would recommend it to anyone to visit if they came to BA.


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