My walk to work each day takes me by the Israeli Embassy Memorial. It is at the corner of Arroyo & Suipacha. In 1992, a truck bomb was driven into the embassy & detonated. It destroyed the embassy and the Catholic Church & a school across the street. It killed 29 people including several children from the school and injured 242. There is a significant Jewish community here in BA and as I have been told, the only Kosher MacDonald's outside of Israel.

The site of the embassy was turned into a memorial. There are 21 trees and 7 benches to honor those killed. When you take a few minutes there, you eventually notice the wall of the memorial. It is actually the inside wall of the embassy, as it was. The walls of the rooms, the stairways inside the embassy, the roofline. I went to the top of a nearby hotel to take the overhead picture.
When I go by it, there is always someone sitting on one of the benches or reading the plaques displayed there.
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