Monday, May 18, 2009

You cant always believe what you read....

We get the Buenos Aires Herald delivered to the apartment each morning. It is an english paper. It contains local news and a lot of wire service international news. The paper isnt very big and the readership limited but we enjoy reading the paper in the morning.
Often times we will find scathing letters to the editor stating that the grammar is wrong, or a point of view of the reporters is poor or a translation is lousy but we do get a sense for what is going on in the country regardless.
Once in awhile, you do have to chuckle at some of the contents. In this one brief article in Sunday's paper, they touched on tennis (header), hockey (NHL)and football (NFL). Impressive!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Comparing notes...

What do a microwave oven and a bidet have in common?

We had friends over to the apartment last night.
They got there before I got home from from work so they were (at least) one glass of wine ahead of me.
Mimi asked me - 'So did anything interesting happen at work today?'
I said, 'Well as a matter of fact, yes'.

Here was my tale......

We have several drilling & service rig companies working for us. We keep them running steady working on our wells. This week, on one of them, the rig crew went on strike for 24 hours because the microwave oven was broken. They shut the rig down and walked off the job.
My friend who works for another oil company, says 'Ha! I have you beat'.
He has contractor crews who have to travel some distance to get to the oilfield. They have to stay at a motel at some point on the route. They went on strike this week because the accommodation they were provided did not have bidets in the bathrooms.
He wins.
Both of these issues have been documented in 'actas' which is a legal document here used to declare/negotiate/settle serious situations like this (really, I am not making this stuff up just to increase my blog readership!)
It is Workers (Labor) Day today in Argentina.
Here is to ensuring that bidets and microwaves are functioning all over the country! The economy of an entire nation is counting on it!
Yes, I am still living the dream, baby!