Here in our office, when an employee returns from vacation, it is now the expectation to bring in chocolates, cake or pastries (or facturas as they are called here) on the day you come back to the office.
Traditionally in Argentina, summer holidays are taken in 2 week windows. They also line up as the first two weeks and the second two weeks of the months of January and February. We would have several staff off during the same 2 week window.
We are now over 60 staff in the BA office, so on the Monday that the vacationers return to the office, the facturas supply is overwhelming. There is always an email that is sent out to everyone to let everyone know who brought in facturas (and why).
This is what the kitchen looked like on a recent Monday morning!

But we also provide some healthier options in our kitchen - little of which I recognize.

Although, I can detect a dulce de leche filled medialuna from 70 meters!
Friday afternoons provide an opportunity for teambuilding in the office. My language skills are improving but the following note from our receptionist got everyone into the kitchen.
De: Paula
Enviado el: Viernes, 27 de Marzo de 2009 04:54 p.m.
Para: BA
Asunto: Brian nos invita a festejar el viernes con helado...
It is amazing how ordering in 5 kilograms of ice cream can help the staff 'celebrate Friday'. Even on Friday's, most staff are there until after 6 pm.